Number 1:The Constant’ (Season 4, Episode 5)

Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond Hume in “The Constant.” ABC

If this episode didn’t make you cry, I don’t know what will. The love story between Desmond and Penny was one of the purest and most powerful of the entire series.

It was also a great showcase of Lost‘s fascinating approach to time. When Desmond and other characters came “unstuck” in time as a result of the island’s strange electromagnetic properties, he had to find his “constant” — a person who exists in both his past and present timelines — or die.

Lucky for him, he got ahold of his long-lost love, Penelope Widmore. In a show that poses a lot more questions than answers, this episode offered at least a little very welcome resolution.

Honorable mentions: The Man Behind the Curtain (Season 3, Episode 20), Solitary (Season 1, Episode 8), Exposé (Season 3, Episode 14)

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