About Jim Hemphill

All Articles

July 12, 2018
Joaquin Phoenix and Gus Van Sant's Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot is no career footnote—it's the next…
January 24, 2017
Ten of these empathetic films were picked by us, and five were chosen from the answers of our online readers…
July 5, 2016
Bethany Rooney and Mary Lou Belli’s Directors Tell the Story joins other classics as one of the handful of essential…
June 21, 2016
Nicolas Winding Refn's first female-centric film, The Neon Demon, remains faithful to his provocative sense of formal and narrative experimentation.
March 15, 2016
Michael Shannon and Jeff Nichols take their muse-auteur bond to a bigger canvas in studio sci-fi Midnight Special. 2015 saw…
October 10, 2015
Denis Villaneuve's latest film, Sicario, is his most haunting and lyrical to date, it combines the hypnotic power of a…