The winners were just announced for the 60th annual ACE (American Cinema Editors) Eddie Awards, and they’re an eclectic bunch. Best Edited Dramatic Feature Film went to Bob Murawski and Chris Innis for their brilliantly suspenseful work on The Hurt Locker. Best Edited Comedy or Musical Feature Film was awarded to Debra Neil-Fisher, A.C.E., for The Hangover. Best Edited Animated Feature Film went to Kevin Nolting for Up, while Best Edited Documentary was bestowed upon Geoffrey Richman for The Cove. Andrew Hellesen from Chapman University won the student competition.
The ACE award ceremony was held on February 14 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Receiving honorary awards were Rob Reiner (winner of the Golden Eddie Award), and veteran editors Paul LaMastra, A.C.E., and Neil Travis, A.C.E., who both received career achievement awards.
For a complete list of ACE Eddie award winners, visit