Credit: C/O

50 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee in 2016: now plotted out on this interactive map!

So you’ve read about (and submitted your film to) these gems on the international festival circuit. With any luck, you’ve gotten accepted to at least some of them. Which ones are closest to you (just a two-hour drive? snap), and which are a bit too far a trek to make on an indie budget (go on, tell them you’ll do an hour-long Q&A in exchange for airfare)? We’ve mapped out each location (based on festival headquarters) starting in Edmonton, Canada and ending in Europe. Click on the 50 individual destinations or take a tour across the world. You can zoom in to street level (just double-click on the area you’d like to zoom into), or click “Back to Beginning” to return to the global view. Enjoy!

(Just want to read the original article again? No problem: It’s here.) MM

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