MovieMaker Magazine’s 2018 Guide to Making Horror Movies is the third in our annual series.
This year, we invited Creep 2 collaborators Mark Duplass and Patrick Brice as our guest editors, whose intro (read it here) details their journey into horror moviemaking, and declares: “This is proof positive that the genre can be more welcoming than any other.”
Inside, you’ll find tips on finding the fright stuff as a horror screenwriter from Chucky creator Don Mancini, insights from Takashi Miike on his storied career, an exhaustive breakdown of how horror cinematographers light the darkness, advice on what makes a horror project investment-worthy from our sponsors, Horror Equity Fund (HEF), our first-ever rundown of The World’s 15 Bloody Best Genre Fests, and much more.
First published as a special section in MovieMaker’s Fall 2017 issue, with a cover to die for by illustrator Scott Jackson, this eBook edition has been expanded to include extra stories unavailable in print or online. They include:
Censorship and Sensibility: Moviemaker Mattie Do (Dearest Sister, the first Laotian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar category) tells us how she made a genre film in a country with strict censorship laws, and how you can too.
Blood, Sweat and Fears: Building your own genre film production company? Don’t start without this checklist from Luchagore Productions co-founders Gigi Saul Guerrero, Raynor Shima, and Luke Bramley.
McLean, Mean Horror Machine: There’s no better way to sustain a career making cheap-yet-profitable features than in genre, says horror veteran Greg McLean.
The eBook edition is on sale via Amazon. MM