11 Tear-Jerking Movies on Netflix for When You Need a Good Cry
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Listen — sometimes, you just need a good cry. It can make you feel better, and that’s what movies are for. In this day and age, you can pretty much cry on demand whenever you want to. You just need this list of 11 tear-jerker movies on Netflix.

We have many different options for you depending on how you want to feel. Do you want a nice, gentle, heartfelt cry? Sleepless in Seattle is the one for you. Do you want to feel absolutely emotionally devastated for a week? Try Pieces of a Woman. Do you want a movie to hit you right in the kid? The Pursuit of Happyness or My Girl are good choices.

Click Through the Gallery for 11 Tear-Jerker Movies on Netflix

Whether you want a painful cry or a nice, happy-tears kind of cry, there’s a movie on this list for every kind of cryer.