wmm-logo-courtesy-wmm.jpg2007 marks the 35th anniversary of Women Make Movies (WMM), and, according to executive director Debra Zimmerman, WMM has a lot to celebrate. Projects that come out of WMM have won Oscars, Emmys and Peabodies. They represent 30 countries and over 400 artists. But most importantly, they represent the female presence in the film world. Along with three theatrical releases, nearly 10 nationally broadcast films this year and one Oscar hopeful, “we are assisting more women filmmakers and returning more money in royalties to filmmakers than we ever have,” boasts Zimmerman.

The organization credits its success to bringing to the forefront that perspective that is, according to Zimmerman, “missing from mainstream media—a woman’s perspective.” In particular, female moviemakers are looking to WMM for help in distribution—a key component of the group which, according to its Website, is the “leading distributor of women’s films and videotapes in North America.” With a collection of more than 500 titles, WMM exhibits the work of women moviemakers all over the country, in a variety of non-traditional venues from museums and colleges to prisons and hospitals.

“When people ask me ‘What about ‘Men Make Movies?’ I say it exists—it’s called Hollywood!” Zimmerman laughs. “WMM is one small organization among many that puts women first. If you look at the percentage of films by women in major festivals, on television or in the cinemas, it seems clear that there is still a tremendous need for WMM.”

For more information about Women Make Movies, including how to submit your film for distribution consideration, visit www.wmm.com.

SOUND OFF QUESTION: Do you think an organization like WMM is beneficial to the movie community? Should women be singled out as a minority in the industry? Talk back in the comments section of our blog!