april-19.jpgBased on a one-woman show by Nia Vardalos, My Big Fat Greek Wedding began screening in limited release on this day in 2002. Actress Rita Wilson and husband Tom Hanks produced the feature about a Greek woman (Vardalos) who pursues and marries a man (John Corbett) not of Greek descent. In a review days before the film’s release, Kirk Honeycutt from The Hollywood Reporter claimed the film “will probably have little impact theatrically outside of its obvious ethnic audience.” Boy was he wrong! What cost just about $5 million to make went on to gross over $600 million and became the biggest independent hit film of all time.

Quotable: “I had to go to Greek school, where I learned valuable lessons such as, ‘If Nick has one goat and Maria has nine, how soon will they marry?'” –Toula Portokalos (Vardalos) pointing out the basic principle of her Greek life.