When it comes to marketing and promoting features, independent productions often get the short end of the stick. Studios will pump all their money toward promoting their blockbuster releases and leave the indie pictures out in the cold, struggling to find an audience. But Cinevolve Studios, set to be in full operation by the upcoming fourth quarter of 2007, promises to change all that and focus on supporting smaller features by any means necessary–focused public relations, traditional and non-traditional distribution methods and grassroots marketing.

Cinevolve’s founders, Arik Treston and Nicole Ballivian, bring proven experience in the indie world with them and “are keenly aware of the competition and complexities that exist in the distribution world,” says Mary Keeler, in the company’s communications department. Treston also runs Green Tonic, a consulting firm for independent movies, and served as the president of distribution at Cinema Libre Studio, where he oversaw the release of dozens of movies and documentaries and helped create new and exciting distribution partnerships. Ballivian also worked at Cinema Libre, holding the position of vice president of international sales.

Based out of Hollywood, Cinevolve will release movies in a variety of channels–in theaters, digitally, on DVD and on TV/ PPV. They will use the Web, cross-promotions and collaborations with social networking sites to help get the word out. Cinevolve has expressed a desire for open communications and transparency with moviemakers, who can often be frustrated by and overwhelmed by financial difficulties. The studio promises to find a way around this pitfall, pledging to give them full access to all financial information surrounding their project. Also in the works is a film funding and production division coming in 2008.

For more information, visit www.cinevolvestudios.com