The ‘Bill Skins Fifth’ Article Isn’t About Buffalo Bill, It’s About Hannibal Lecter

Bill Skins Fifth Silence of the Lambs

When Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) is waiting for Jack Crawford (Scott Glenn) in his office at Quantico in the first minutes of Silence of the Lambs, she scans the grisly photographs and newspaper clippings on the wall. One headline from the National Inquisitor stands out: BILL SKINS FIFTH.

But hit pause and look closer at the article, and you’ll see that the article isn’t about Bill at all, but rather Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins): It describes Lecter’s arrest and background, and includes comments from Lecter and Crawford.

Whoever created the news article for Silence of the Lambs either never anticipated anyone squinting at the text of the article, or is having a bit of fun with us. We’ll get into more depth about the specifics of the article soon, because it’s very weird.

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