On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (Stephen King)

Screenwriting books are a dime a dozen these days. While there are many out there—some good, some bad, others somewhere in between—these are the ones that have stood the test of time and continue to stand out amongst the rest.

William Goldman, Syd Field, Blake Snyder, Robert McKee and more have written others that either complement the ones we’ve mentioned of theirs here, or further elaborate on the concepts and lessons introduced within. So when you’re done with these, seek the others out if your brain is still hungry.

Just remember that you can take what you like and leave the rest behind when it comes to any and all screenwriting advice found in any book, course, webinar, or seminar. Find the general industry guidelines and expectations and apply your own style and process—which may or may not be a hybrid of what you read above and beyond. MM

This post originally appeared on the blog ScreenCraftScreenCraft is dedicated to helping screenwriters and filmmakers succeed through educational events, screenwriting competitions and the annual ScreenCraft Screenwriting Fellowship program, connecting screenwriters with agents, managers and Hollywood producers. Follow ScreenCraft on TwitterFacebook, and YouTube.

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