Near-Hero Anti-heroes

These types of anti-heroes are the more conventional ones we see in lighter fare—often in animated movies and action adventures. They have nearly all of the characteristics of a hero, but they lack the positive attitude and actions that most conventional heroes have. They aren’t motivated by a general sense of justice or righteousness, but something more personal, often something selfish.

In order to act heroic and take on the mantle of being a hero, they need a push. They need to find someone they actually want to protect or save. They need to solve those inner conflicts that have made them so negative.

Han Solo (Star Wars IV-VI)

Han Solo was a gambler and smuggler. On the surface, all that he cared about was himself, his Wookie friend, and making money. Throughout the original Star Wars, he pushed up against heroic acts as Luke Skywalker continued to challenge his morals and ethics. But by the end of the film, he became a hero. And that hero status remained throughout the Original Trilogy and into The Force Awakens.

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