YouTube is currently the world’s hottest technological phenom—allowing any one who wants it the ability to make his/her own short movie and stream it online to a worldwide audience. That’s sort of the same concept Guy Magar had in mind when he began the Action/Cut Short Film Competition four years ago. But instead of YouTube’s superficial and fleeting recognition, passionate moviemakers who submit their movies to Action/Cut’s online competition can earn valuable prizes to help them further their careers.
Over 1000 films are submitted to the online festival each year and all are put into the competition—no schmoozing needed. This pretty much means that by submitting a short film, it’s pretty much guaranteed that it will be seen by any number of the top industry professionals who make up the jury. “Also, as part of the 125 prizes we award, about 30 of those are actual meetings with top industry players, which is very unique and intended to open industry doors,” adds Magar. In all, there are five categories from which major winners are declared. The winners then have their films streamed online—accessible worldwide for a six month period.
So instead of posting your undiscovered short on a popular video broadcasting website—hoping that it just might stand out among the millions of vacuous and frivolous home movies—check out Action/Cut for guaranteed exposure and feedback. The deadline for the 2007 Competition is May 15, 2007.
To find out more about upcoming and past Action/Cut programs, visit
Sound Off: Action/Cut bases its philosophy (and prize packaging) on the idea that moviemakers—both homegrown and schooled—need that foot in the door to make it in the industry. What do you think is key to an independent moviemaker’s success? Sound off in our comments section!
—Mallory Potosky