Three major new releases competed for the top spot at the box office this past weekend; between The Expendables, Eat Pray Love and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, who would receive the honors? That would be The Expendables, directed by Sylvester Stallone, which earned $35 million in its first weekend. Eat Pray Love took spot number two, with a gross of $23.7 million. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World managed to sneak into the top five, with a weekend gross of $10.5 million. Spots three and four went to The Other Guys (weekend gross $18 million, total gross $70.5 million) and Inception (weekend gross $11.3 million, total gross $248.5 million).

Animal Kingdom and Neshoba: The Price of Freedom were also newly released this weekend, earning $64,082 and $4,700 respectively.

Looking forward to next weekend, which movies will be going up against Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham (etc.) and tons of weaponry? Competing with The Expendables are The Switch, Lottery Ticket, Piranha 3D, Mao’s Last Dancer, Altiplano, I Am Comic and Nanny McPhee Returns. Take ’em down, Emma Thompson.